Running on DiRAC

In order to run EcoSISTEM.jl on DiRAC, it is first necessary to request an account and then to request access to the dc003 project. Once that is granted, it is possible to log into the server via ssh at the address

Julia is already installed on the cluster, so the only things that are needed are a Project.toml file and a Julia script defining and setting up the environment for the experiment, a Julia script with the experiment, and a submission script. Here we give examples using the Scottish experiment. The other files needed for this experiment can be found here


This file should be enough to setup the environment for the experiment. Thus, it should change depending on the packages required by the experiment script. E.g.:

name = "RAMP"

AxisArrays = "39de3d68-74b9-583c-8d2d-e117c070f3a9"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
HTTP = "cd3eb016-35fb-5094-929b-558a96fad6f3"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

julia = "1.1"



This file should not include EcoSISTEM.jl, as it is unregistered. This will be taken care of by the setup script.

Setup script

This file is responsible for cloning EcoSISTEM.jl, as it is unregistered, and also for instantiating the environment.

using Pkg

Experiment script

This file should contain the experiment to be run. There are examples available.

Submission script

This file parses options, sets up the local directories and submits the job to the queue.


# Usage: ./submit_scot --input <scriptfilename> --nprocs <numberofprocesses> --walltime <walltime> --dir <pathtorundir>

set -e
set -u

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    if [ $1 = "--input" ]; then
        shift 2
    elif [ $1 == "--samples" ]; then
        shift 2
    elif [ $1 == "--dir" ]; then
        shift 2
    elif [ $1 == "--nprocs" ]; then
        shift 2
    elif [ $1 == "--walltime" ]; then
        shift 2
        echo "Unrecognised arguments: $*" >&2
        exit 1

jobname=$(basename $dir)

mkdir $dir
mkdir $dir/Output
cp $inputfile $dir
cp Project.toml $dir
cp setup.jl $dir
inputbasename=$(basename $inputfile)

cat >$dir/ <<EOF
#SBATCH --job-name $jobname
#SBATCH --account DIRAC-DC003-CPU
#SBATCH --ntasks $nprocs
#SBATCH --time $walltime
#SBATCH --mail-type ALL
#SBATCH --no-requeue
#SBATCH --partition skylake
#SBATCH --output log.txt
. /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load rhel7/default-peta4
module load julia/1.4
export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=$nprocs
stdbuf -oL -eL julia --project=@. setup.jl
stdbuf -oL -eL julia --project=@. $inputbasename

cd $dir
chmod u+x

Usage example:

./submit_scot --input Scotland_run.jl --nprocs 6 --walltime 1:00:00 --dir /home/username/run1

The command above must be run from the directory where submit_scot, Scotland_run.jl (the experiment script in this case), setup.jl and Project.toml are. These will be copied to a new folder at the provided path, /home/username/run1. At that path, a log.txt file will contain the logs of the job. The mail-type ALL option makes it such that an email is sent informing of the conclusion of the job, and it can be changed or removed.

Further resources

More detailed information on the cluster, including further options and commands, can be found here.