Diversity measures on communities and samples

Alpha Diversity

shannon(v::Union{AbstractVector, AbstractSparseMatrix}) 

Computes the Shannon alpha diversity metric for a vector. When called on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a 1 x nsamples matrix with 1 entry per sample. See also shannon!.

shannon!(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable; overwrite=false)

Adds a :shannon entry to the metadata for each sample in abt with the Shannon alpha diversity of that sample (see shannon). If overwrite=false (the default), uses insert! to perform this operation, so an error will be thrown if any sample already contains a :shannon entry. Otherwise, uses set!.

ginisimpson(v::Union{AbstractVector, AbstractSparseMatrix}) 
ginisimpson(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable, overwrite=false)

Computes the Gini-Simpson alpha diversity metric for a vector. When called on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a 1 x nsamples matrix with 1 entry per sample. See also ginisimpson!.

ginisimpson!(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable; overwrite=false)

Adds a :ginisimpson entry to the metadata for each sample in abt with the Gini-Simpson alpha diversity of that sample (see ginisimpson). If overwrite=false (the default), uses insert! to perform this operation, so an error will be thrown if any sample already contains a :ginisimpson entry. Otherwise, uses set!.


Beta Diversity

Quite often, it's useful to boil stuff down to distances between samples. AbstractAbundanceTables take advantage of the pairwise function from Distances.jl to get a symetric distance matrix.

Right now, only Bray-Curtis, Jaccard, and Hellinger are implemented, but it would be straightforward to add any others. Open an issue if you want them!

You can also get fit a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) to your AbstractAbundanceTable using the fit(MDS, ...) from MultivariateStats.jl under the hood.

pcoa(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable, f=braycurtis)

Returns eigenvectors from fitting MDS to a distance metric generated by f, by default braycurtis.
