Microbiome.jl functions

BiobakeryUtils.jl re-exports all of the functionality from Microbiome.jl. The docstrings from that package are reproduced here, but checkout the Microbiome.jl docs for more details.

CommunityProfile{T, F, S} <: AbstractAbundanceTable{T, F, S}

An AbstractAssemblage from EcoBase.jl that uses a SparseMatrixCSC under the hood.

CommunityProfiles are tables with AbstractFeature-indexed rows and AbstractSample-indexed columns. Note - we can use the name of samples and features to index.

GeneFunction(name::String, taxon::Union{Taxon, String, Missing}) <: AbstractFeature

Microbial gene function object with optional stratification (taxon).

Metabolite(name::String, commonname::Union{Missing, String}, mz::Union{Missing, Float64}, rt::Union{Missing, Float64}) <: AbstractFeature

Represents a small-molecule metabolite coming from an LCMS. The fields are

  • name: required, this should be a unique identifier
  • commonname: might refer to a chemical name like "proprionate"
  • mz: The mass/charge ratio
  • rt: The retention time
MicrobiomeSample(name::String, metadata::Dictionary{Symbol, T}) <: AbstractSample
MicrobiomeSample(name::String; kwargs...)

Microbiome sample type that includes a name and a Dictionary of arbitrary metadata using Symbols (other than :name or :metadata) as keys.

Metadata can be accessed using getproperty or getindex on the sample itself.

Samples can be instantiated with only a name, leaving the metadata Dictionary blank

Adding or changing metadata follows the same rules as for the normal Dictionary.

Taxon(name::String, rank::Union{Missing, Symbol, Int}) <: AbstractFeature

Microbial taxon with a name and a rank that can be one of

  1. :domain
  2. :kingom
  3. :phylum
  4. :class
  5. :order
  6. :faamily
  7. :genus
  8. :species
  9. :subspecies
  10. :strain

or missing. Contructors can also use numbers 0-9, or pass a string alone (in which case the taxon will be stored as missing).

See also taxon.

delete!(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol)

Delete a metadata entry of sample as using the Symbol prop if it exists, or throw an error otherwise. If you don't want an error to be thrown if the value does not exist, use unset!.

delete!(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, prop::Symbol)

Delete a metadata entry in sample from CommunityProfile commp using the Symbol prop if it exists, or throw an error otherwise. If you don't want an error to be thrown if the value does not exist, use unset!.

filter(f, comm::CommunityProfile)

Apply f to the features of comm, and return a copy where f(feature) is true.

get(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, key::Symbol, default)

Return the value of the metadata in a sample stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present.

get(commp::CommunityProfile, key::Symbol, default)

Return the value of the metadata in a sample stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present.

get(as::AbstractSample, key::Symbol, default)

Return the value of the metadata in the sample as stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present.

get(as::AbstractSample, key::Symbol, default)

Return the value of the metadata in the sample as stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present.


Get the metadata field from an AbstractSample. Note that this is not a copy, so modifications to the returned value will update the parent AbstractSample as well.

get(commp::CommunityProfile, cols::AbstractVector{<:Symbol}, default)


Returns iterator of NamedTuple per sample, where keys are :sample and each metadata key found in commp. Samples without given metadata are filled with default.

Returned values can be passed to any Tables.rowtable - compliant type, eg DataFrame.


Returns iterator of NamedTuple per sample, where keys are :sample and each metadata key found in commp. Samples without given metadata are filled with missing.

Returned values can be passed to any Tables.rowtable - compliant type, eg DataFrame.

getindex(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol)

Return the prop value in the metadata dictionary of as. This enables using bracket syntax for access, eg as[prop].

getproperty(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol)

Return the prop value in the metadata dictionary of as. This enables using dot syntax for access, eg as.prop.

haskey(as::AbstractSample, key::Symbol)

Determine whether the metadata of sample as has a mapping for a given key. Use !haskey to determine whether a sample as in a CommunityProfile doesn't have a mapping for a given key

haskey(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, key::Symbol)

Determine whether the metadata of sample in a CommunityProfile commp has a mapping for a given key. Use !haskey to determine whether a sample in a CommunityProfile doesn't have a mapping for a given key

insert!(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol, val)

Insert a value val to the metadata of sample as using a Symbol prop, and it will throw an error if prop exists. If you don't want an error to be thrown if the value exists, use set!.

insert!(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, prop::Symbol, val)

Insert a value val to the metadata of sample in a CommunityProfile commp using a Symbol prop, and it will throw an error if prop exists. If you don't want an error to be thrown if the value exists, use set!.

insert!(cp::CommunityProfile, md; namecol=:sample)

Add metadata (in the form of a Tables.jl table) a CommunityProfile. One column (namecol) should contain sample names that exist in commp, and other columns should contain metadata that will be added to the metadata of each sample.

Before starting, this will check that every value in every row is insert!able, and will throw an error if not. This requires iterating over the metadata table twice, which may be slow. If performance matters, you can use set! instead, though this will overwrite existing data.


Return an iterator over all keys of the metadata attached to sample as. collect(keys(as)) returns an array of keys.

keys(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString)

Return an iterator over all keys of the metadata attached to sample in a CommunityProfile commp. collect(keys(commp, sample)) returns an array of keys.

set!(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol, val)

Update or insert a value val to the metadata of sample as using a Symbol prop. If you want an error to be thrown if the value already exists, use insert!.

set!(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, prop::Symbol, val)
set!(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, md::Union{AbstractDict, NamedTuple})

Update or insert a value val to the metadata of sample in the CommunityProfile commp using a Symbol prop. If you want an error to be thrown if the value already exists, use insert!.

Can also pass a Dictionary or NamedTuple containing key=> value pairs, all of which will be set!.

set!(cp::CommunityProfile, md; namecol=:sample)

Add metadata (in the form of a Tables.jl table) a CommunityProfile. One column (namecol) should contain sample names that exist in commp, and other columns should contain metadata that will be added to the metadata of each sample.

unset!(as::AbstractSample, prop::Symbol)

Delete a metadata entry of sample as using the Symbol prop. If you want an error to be thrown if the value does not exist, use delete!.


unset!(commp::CommunityProfile, sample::AbstractString, prop::Symbol)

Delete a metadata entry in sample from CommunityProfile commp using the Symbol prop. If you want an error to be thrown if the value does not exist, use delete!.


Get the underlying sparse matrix of an AbstractAbundanceTable. Note that this does not copy - any modifications to this matrix will update the parent.


Returns a pairwise Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix.

commjoin(c1::CommunityProfile, comms::CommunityProfile...)

Join multiple CommunityProfiles, creating a new CommunityProfile. For now, sample names cannot overlap in any of the input profiles.


Get a vector of feature names from at, equivalent to name.(features(at))


Returns sum of each row (feature) in at. Note, return value is a nfeatures x 1 Matrix, not a Vector. If you need 1D Vector, use vec(featuretotals(at)).

ginisimpson!(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable; overwrite=false)

Adds a :ginisimpson entry to the metadata for each sample in abt with the Gini-Simpson alpha diversity of that sample (see ginisimpson). If overwrite=false (the default), uses insert! to perform this operation, so an error will be thrown if any sample already contains a :ginisimpson entry. Otherwise, uses set!.

ginisimpson(v::Union{AbstractVector, AbstractSparseMatrix}) 
ginisimpson(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable, overwrite=false)

Computes the Gini-Simpson alpha diversity metric for a vector. When called on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a 1 x nsamples matrix with 1 entry per sample. See also ginisimpson!.


Boolean function that returns:

  • true if gf has a Taxon with a non-missing rank field,
  • false if there's no Taxon, or
  • false if the Taxon has no rank

Boolean function that returns true if the rank field in Taxon t is not missing, or false if it is missing


Boolean function that returns true if the taxon field in a GeneFunction gf is not missing, or false if it is missing


Returns a pairwise Hellinger distance matrix.


Returns a pairwise Jaccard distance matrix.

name(t::Union{AbstractSample, AbstractFeature})

Get the name field from an AbstractSample or AbstractFeature.

pcoa(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable, f=braycurtis)

Returns eigenvectors from fitting MDS to a distance metric generated by f, by default braycurtis.

present(t::Union{Real, Missing}, minabundance::Real=0.0)
present(at::AbstractAbundanceTable, minabundance::Real=0.0)

Check if a given (non-zero) value is greater than or equal to a minimum value. If the minimum abundance is 0, just checks if value is non-zero.

If used on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a sparse boolean matrix of the same size.

prevalence(a::AbstractArray{<:Real}, minabundance::Real=0.0)
prevalence(at::AbstractAbundanceTable, minabundance::Real=0.0)

Return the fraction of values that are greater than or equal to a minimum. If the minimum abundance is 0, returns the fraction of non-zero values.

If used on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a prevalence value for each feature accross the samples.

prevalence_filter(comm::AbstractAbundanceTable; minabundance=0.0; minprevalence=0.05, renorm=false)

Return a filtered CommunityProfile where features with prevalence lower than minprevalence are removed. By default, a feature is considered "present" if > 0, but this can be changed by setting minabundance.

Optionally, set renorm = true to calculate relative abundances after low prevalence features are removed.

rankfilter(comm::AbstractAbundanceTable, cl::Union{Symbol, Int}; keepempty=false)

Return a copy of comm, where only rows that have taxrank(feature) == cl are kept. Use keepempty = true to also keep features that don't have a rank (eg "UNIDENTIFIED").

relativeabundance!(a::AbstractAbundanceTable; kind::Symbol=:fraction)

Normalize each sample in AbstractAbundanceTable to the sum of the sample.

By default, columns sum to 1.0. Use kind=:percent for columns to sum to 100.

Microbiome.runtests(pattern...; kwargs...)

Equivalent to ReTest.retest(Microbiome, pattern...; kwargs...). This function is defined automatically in any module containing a @testset, possibly nested within submodules.


Get a vector of sample names from at, equivalent to name.(samples(at))

samples(at::AbstractAbundanceTable, name::AbstractString)

Returns sample in at with name name.


Returns sum of each row (feature) in at. Note, return value is a 1 x nsamples Matrix, not a Vector. If you need 1D Vector, use vec(sampletotals(at)).

shannon!(abt::AbstractAbundanceTable; overwrite=false)

Adds a :shannon entry to the metadata for each sample in abt with the Shannon alpha diversity of that sample (see shannon). If overwrite=false (the default), uses insert! to perform this operation, so an error will be thrown if any sample already contains a :shannon entry. Otherwise, uses set!.

shannon(v::Union{AbstractVector, AbstractSparseMatrix}) 

Computes the Shannon alpha diversity metric for a vector. When called on an AbstractAbundanceTable, returns a 1 x nsamples matrix with 1 entry per sample. See also shannon!.


Return a Taxon from a string representation. If the string contains taxonomic rank information in the form "x__Thename" where x is the first letter of the rank, this information will be used.


julia> taxon("Unknown")
Taxon("Unknown", missing)

julia> taxon("s__Prevotella_copri")
Taxon("Prevotella_copri", :species)

Get the rank field from the taxon field of a GeneFunction gf if it has one. Returns missing if the taxon or rank is not set.

taxrank(t::Union{Taxon, missing})

Get the rank field from a Taxon t. Returns missing if the rank is not set.